


Technology strategy

The optimum technology strategy depends upon a company’s existing assets, the future market, evolutionary pathways to developing standards and the regulatory environment. Quotient’s staff have supported clients whose range of applications spans all wireless sectors including 2nd, 3rd and future generation mobile networks, private mobile radio, microwave links, fixed wireless access systems, broadcasting, aeronautical, maritime and satellite applications, wireless LANs and personal area networks.

Quotient has an intimate understanding of sector-specific deployment constraints, and where there may be opportunities for improvement. Our awareness of emerging technologies, our ability to translate these into constructive plans, and our understanding of the business environment means that Quotient can work with all businesses to define the optimum course forward.

Technical due diligence

Telecommunications is a vibrant industry and new ventures in service provision and equipment development are frequent. As part of this process, those backing new ventures need to be sure that the technology has the potential claimed by its proponents.

Technical due diligence is required by many players in the telecommunications industry. To perform it well requires a profound understanding of the technology and its practical relationship with the market and the cost base of the operation.

Quotient’s approach to technical due diligence is to assess:

  • The standard of deployment (from initial definition of design guidelines, to rollout, commissioning, optimisation and expansion)
  • Degree of future proofing (platform and service flexibility, capacity provision and future migration path)
  • Service capability and its fit with marketing plan
  • The build and cost forecast and its fit with market assumptions and business plan
  • Resources, tools and skill set
  • Strengths and weaknesses relative to the competition
  • Achieved performance

We deliver insight into the current status and capability allowing clients to better appreciate value and risk.

Spectrum valuation

All participants in the wireless industry need to understand the value of spectrum: regulatory authorities need to allocate spectrum to the most valuable uses, operators need to understand its value before any purchase or sale under a spectrum trading regime or bidding at auction, and financial institutions need to understand spectrum value as a company asset. Establishing a good understanding of the value of the spectrum for different uses and applications is a prerequisite for any policy decision.

The value established for spectrum depends upon whether it is to support public policy (informing allocation and assignment decisions) or the maximisation of private returns (guiding decisions on purchase and sale of spectrum).

Quotient’s approach to spectrum valuation may be based on:

  • Enterprise value
  • Marginal values
  • Alternative methods of delivering the services
  • Opportunity costs associated with spectrum use

The issue of valuation is complex, comprising actual costs and shadow valuations. We have the analytical capability, economic understanding, industry awareness and technical expertise to establish the most authoritative view possible of spectrum value.

Regulatory Strengthening

All regulatory organisations, large and small, face an ever changing and increasingly complex set of issues in the management of spectrum. Advances in technology and reducing costs are driving greater use of radio for commercial and business applications. Wireless communications, in particular, is a vital component in the development of a vibrant telecommunication sector which, in turn, is a key enabler of both economic development and social welfare enhancement.

The result is a growing demand for frequencies from public telecommunications operators, private network operators, broadcasters and private users, more complex sharing issues, and over crowding in some bands. However, it is important to meet these new demands whilst respecting the needs of public service organisations, including security and military users. Quotient’s consultants have the experience to help your organisation meet these challenges through:

  • Aligning spectrum management policies with national objectives, and ensuring that the National Frequency Allocation Plan reflects these objectives and expected future developments
  • Modernising spectrum management regulations, processes and procedures to match the new demands
  • Identifying resource and skill issues, and providing training
  • Advising on and assisting with the procurement of appropriate automated spectrum management and monitoring systems
  • Assisting with the introduction of market-based spectrum management methods such as spectrum auctions and spectrum pricing mechanisms
  • Maximising knowledge transfer to staff and managers

Quotient recognises that conditions differ from country to country and delivers solutions that match the specific local needs, capabilities and budgets.

Regulatory impact assessment

With the implementation of any regulatory policy, it is of interest to understand to what degree the objectives will be met, at what cost to players in the telecommunications industry, and any consequential impact on other sectors. In addition, it is valuable to know how much the policy will cost the taxpayer, the costs of regulation and any impact on resource requirements. All of these are important issues when introducing regulatory policy and require a structured and thorough analysis of not only the central issues, but also peripheral and unintended effects.

In undertaking regulatory impact assessments Quotient:

  • Takes a thorough and comprehensive approach
  • Draws upon its wide experience working for many administrations across the world
  • Covers all aspects of technology, markets, economics and strategy
  • Delivers soundly researched and evidence based conclusions

Quotient will help you establish robust policy with a clear understanding of risks and risk mitigation strategies.

Network audits

Independent audits and benchmarking can be a powerful tool for ensuring optimum network performance and solving particularly intractable problems. This may involve assessment of the design rules, procedures, tools, resources, skills, training and quality systems, the benchmarking of performance at multiple levels, and review of network configuration. To perform the task well requires excellent knowledge and experience in the sector, analytical rigour and effective interpersonal skills.

Quotient’s consultants have the interdisciplinary skills to investigate and establish the factors that constrain network performance and to develop practical solutions. Quotient’s approach and interpersonal skills facilitate ‘buy-in’ to the solutions – thereby maximising the long-term gains that can be achieved

Licence applications

Preparing a successful licence application can be a major task. In the case of a beauty contest extensive documentation is often required. As a minimum this will necessitate the development of a comprehensive business plan along with nominal service and network deployment plans.

In the case of spectrum auctions, a clear business plan and a proper valuation of the spectrum, backed up by sound deployment and financial planning, is a prerequisite to a decision to bid. In addition, a full understanding of the auction process and of the practical application of game theory is essential to the development of a robust bidding strategy.

Quotient has the experience and multi-disciplinary skills to support your licence application. Whether it be understanding the regulatory environment, lobbying the administration, preparing bid documentation, or developing a bid strategy, we provide the essential expertise you need.

Interference assessment

Radio spectrum is a finite and often scarce resource and most wireless communication systems are designed to operate in the presence of some interference. The need to increase utilisation, however, and spectrum liberalisation measures have the potential to create additional interference problems.

Whether your concern is change of spectrum use following a spectrum trade, sharing between services, co-existence between technologies, or operation in licence exempt bands, understanding the interference environment is essential.

Quotient can quantify the impact of interference in technical, performance and economic terms. We can identify appropriate mitigating actions and develop co-existence criteria.

Cost/benefit analysis

Major decisions and projects often have to be justified on the grounds of having a net economic benefit. This may be for the benefit of an individual private organisation or in the case of regulatory policy, a nation state or regional block. The key to performing an effective cost/benefit analysis is to ensure that all items are included, both direct and indirect, and that the resulting assessment is representative.


  • Direct project or policy related costs
  • Indirect costs (such as those resulting from impacts on other industry or service sectors)


  • All service related benefits (intended and unintended)
  • Costs savings (enhancements to efficiency, staff reductions)
  • Synergy with other services and operational activities

To perform cost/benefit analysis well requires experience, sources of data and a thorough analytical approach to ensure all items are captured.

Quotient’s approach to cost/benefit analysis not only provides a thoroughly researched assessment, but also provides clarity and insight, delivering understanding of the main drivers of cost and the real benefits.

Consultation support

A great deal of core regulatory policy is formulated in consultation with industry. This can be open consultation, for example, using a factual paper to educate and promote debate, or it can be a more limited consultation with a specific group of stakeholders.

Whether the consultation is open or private, national or international, Quotient’s approach will ensure that it is effective and efficient.

Quotient’s approach to consultation is to:

  • Develop a structured consultation process
  • Utilise our extensive contact database where necessary
  • Provide effective supporting documents (factual and unambiguous)
  • Use our excellent communications skills to engage in constructive dialogue

Our objective is to obtain a wide diversity of views, interpret the underlying issues facing stakeholders, and achieve consensus amongst participants in the consultation process.

Business Cases

Quotient Associates Limited is an independent consultancy founded by an established team of strategic consultants, providing services to all players within the communications industry. We have the experience and vision to ensure that technology is applied most effectively to the benefit of your business.

Our in-depth understanding of technology and standards, our practical experience of network deployment, and our appreciation of the business drivers means that we are able to provide soundly based advice to operators, governments, vendors, financial institutions and others in the telecommunications world.